(M & M = Marc-Marie
??)Let op laatste regel, is Marc-Marie de eerste afvaller?
Say Goodbye Hollywood
by Eminem
Say Goodbye Hollywood
Chorus (X2)
Sayin' goodbye, I'm sayin' good bye to Hollywood
Sayin' goodbye, I'm sayin' good bye to Hollywood
Sayin' goodbye, I'm sayin' good bye to Hollywood
Sayin' goodbye, I'm sayin' good bye to Hollywood
Verse 1
I thought I had it all figured out, I did, I thought I was toughenough to stick it out with Kim
but I wasn't tough enough, to juggle two things at once, I foundmyself layin' on my knees in cuffs
which should've been a reason enough, for me to get my stuff andjust leave. How come I couldn't see this shit myself?
it's just me, nobody couldn't see the shit I felt, knowin' damnwell she wasn't gonna be there when I fell
to catch me, the minute shit was heated, she just bailed, I'mstandin' here swingin' like thirty people by myself
I couldn't even see the millimeter when it fell, turned aroundsaw Gary stashin' the heater in his belt
saw the bouncers rush him and beat him to the ground, I just soldtwo million records, I don't need to go to jail
I'm not about to lose my freedom over no female, I need to slowdown, get my feet on solid ground/so for now I'm...
Chorus (X2)
Verse 2
I, bury my face in comic books, cus I don't want to look atnothin', this world's too much, I've swallowed all I could
If I could swallow a bottle of Tylenol I would, and end it forgood, just say goodbye to Hollywood
I probably should, these problems are piling all at once, cuseverything that bothers me, I got it bottled up
I think I'm bottomin' out, but I'm not about to give up, I gottaget up, thank God, I got a little girl
and I'm a responsible father, so not a lot of good, I'd be to mydaughter, layin' in the bottom of the mud
must be in my blood cus I don't know how I do it, all I know is Idon't want to follow in the footsteps
of my dad, cus I hate him so bad, the worst fear that I had wasgrowin' up to be like his fuckin' ass
man if you could understand why I am the way that I am, what do Isay to my fans/when I tell 'em (I'm)...
Chorus (X2)
Verse 3
I don't wanna quit, but shit, I feel like this is it, for me tohave this much appeal like this is sick
this is not a game, this fame, in real life this is sick,publicity stunt my ass, conceal my fuckin' dick
fuck the guns, I'm done, I'll never look at Gats, if I scrap,I'll scrap like I ain't never whupped some ass
I love my fans, but no one ever puts a grasp on the fact, I'vesacrificed everything I have
I never dreamt I'd get to the level that I'm at, this is wack,this is more than I ever coulda asked
everywhere I go, a hat, a sweater hood, or mask, what about math,how come I wasn't ever good at that?
It's like the boy in the bubble, who never could adapt, I'mtrapped, if I could go back, I never woulda rapped
I sold my soul to the devil, I'll never get it back, I just wannaleave this game with level head intact
Imagine goin' from bein' a no one to seein', everything blow upand all you did was just grow up mcing
It's fuckin' crazy, cus all I wanted was to give Hailie the lifeI never had, but instead I forced us to live alienated
so I'm sayin'...
Goodbye Hollywood (Goodbye)
Please don't cry for me (It's been real)
When I'm gone for good (This shit is not for me)
Goodbye Hollywood (I'm not a fuckin' star)
Please don't cry for me (No way)
When I'm gone for good (I'm goin' back home)