Nieuws Geef je op voor een nieuw online avontuur: De Code!
Toch intrigerend dat je zoiets net 17 seconden na je eerdere post beseft
BenzemaBij de poule met vrienden ( Je weet wel die ene waar ik kansloos onderaan sta ) kun je best veel punten scoren met je topscoorder. Ik heb Benzema gekozen, maarja die mist weer een penalty
Dennis: I am in love with this man! I mean, Dennis has been the bestest, awesomest, amazing friend and ally since the beginning. He is our very own Bon Jovi. Dennis, you are the nicest person I have met in this game. You have always made me laugh and put a smile on my face. You helped me when I was all alone. I was devastated when you got voted out because I really was hoping to go to the end with you. What happened was unfair and you clearly should have been here. But i really hope you will be given another chance to prove yourself one day and win Survivor. I really can’t wait for Survivor Indonesia to end so that I can talk to you again!
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