Enjoy today - it may be your last. You heard me. Thanks to the foolishness of various world leaders, the world is spiralling into a heartless void of painful oblivion. Governments are secretly pitted against governments; international terrorist organisations are remixing the geopolitical landscape to introduce their own hardcore sounds.
The result, surely, is widespread nuclear badness. Society as we know it will be ripped apart by the bomb - but some brave people will survive. Could you be one of them? Could you?
Yes, enjoy today. You will never know freedom again.
ik ben blijkbaar:
Must kill, ha ha, ha ha! Death! Playground antics! Cake and cheese! Yes! you're an
Insane ninja child!
The blast must have hit you particularly strong, because you've gained a billion new superpowers and can take on anyone you want. Even that kid Gunrock-with-nine-arms from down the street. Only problem is, it's driven you completely insane and you now have a thirst for blood equalled only by your thirst for vengeance and peeing in the kitchen bin.
No, stop! That's what the toilet's for. Stop I say!