Het nummer "I'm not in love" valt op door het volgende :
So; two OK albums, one great 'Tron track. Buy their Greatest Hits instead. Oh, and just to clear up some long-running confusion, no, that ISN'T Mellotron (or Chamberlin) on their biggest UK hit, 'I'm Not in Love', from '75's The Original Soundtrack (***˝). Apparently, they got the 'ghostly voices' effect by (get this) recording the massed vocal parts onto a looped strip of 24-track tape, then 'playing' the mixing desk to fade different parts in and out. The effect is truly magnificent, but (heresy time) that's why samplers were invented.
Het zit juist ook in het in de radiouitzending gebruikte stukje.
(Mellotron is een soort synthesizer)