Auteur Topic: kOen =$  (gelezen 1147 keer)

Offline mnis

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  • Wie weet wat Over kOen Van pOpStars the rivals? =$
kOen =$
« Gepost op: 23-12-2004, 21:39:51 »
 ;D haaaJ  ;D

Weet iemand miSschiien meer Over kOen, Van pOpStars the rivals?  ::bravo::]
i lOvee hiim =$

muCh lOvee
I'm a rOse, YOu are the Water, it's aS a faCt that i need YOu « !!  i lOve yOu mOre that i Just Can't ever tell YOu bOY.. =$

Offline Kukai

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Re: kOen =$
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 23-12-2004, 21:48:00 »
Probeer het eens op het popstarsforum MniiSz..

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”