hmm ik was een eind op scheut, en toen ging hij vragen wie ik dacht dat mij aantrekkelijk vond. Ik zag er zo gauw geeneen en toen kwam er een melding van sorry, je moet wat invullen en we beginnen weer van voor af aan....
dat doe ik dalijk dus wel even in de pauze. Mensen kijken een beetje raar als ik nu zit te internetten ipv werken...
wordt vervolgd dus.
edit: ik val op professors!!

Favorite Looks
You picked a number of men that we call "Professors." They're usually clean cut, handsome, and middle-aged. The words "dignified" and "confident" often comes up in describing them. They seem to convey a balance between masculinity and more warm, approachable qualities. Overall, 1 in 3 women (30%) of all ages find "Professors" appealing.
Some may call another of your types "Pretty Boys," but all you know is that they're gorgeous. The combination of classic good looks with small noses, beautiful eyes, and full lips is hard to resist. These guys tend to be clean shaven, have clear skin, and get good hair cuts. They're taking good care of themselves so they can be "pretty" just for you! [Well, you and the 1 in 3 women (33%) that are also after them!]