Absolutely amazing work! Have you received a job offer from IDTV already? 
Thanks! Not yet but I'm expecting them to call any day now..

Looks like Mole Aus6 Nick's still on the Mole hunt with us.

David @TheGrimRecapper 28 jan.
@NickBenatar Am I the only one who still can't tell Tygo and Jan-Willem apart until they talk. (Freek, meanwhile? ADORABLE.)
Nick Benatar @NickBenatar 28 jan.
@TheGrimRecapper Freek is a babe. Aaf is the mole. If she isn't the mole, Susan is. Jennifer definitely isn't the mole.
David @TheGrimRecapper 28 jan.
@NickBenatar Aaf is, like, the only person I've ruled out LOL.
Nick Benatar @NickBenatar 28 jan.
@TheGrimRecapper NO ONE online seems to suspect her! She speaks in a way that slows things down and is always in "moley" positions.
David @TheGrimRecapper 28 jan.
@NickBenatar I really hope it is her, actually - after the last few, we need a Mole who people don't figure out easily.
Nick Benatar @NickBenatar 28 jan.
@TheGrimRecapper Kees got me, let me tell you. I was like "FUCK IT'S DANIEL THEN" "UGH, IT'S ZARAYDA", UGHH WHOOO!