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Regina Mundi Catholic church in Johannesburg/Soweto betreft, als je naar deze afbeelding en informatie kijkt.

Regina Mundi Catholic Church, built in 1964, forms part of the rich history of Soweto. The largest Catholic church in Soweto – it can seat 2 000 people and has standing room for 5 000 – Regina Mundi first wrote its name in South Africa’s history books during apartheid, when it opened its doors to anti-apartheid groups and provided shelter to activists.
Regina Mundi Catholic Church, Soweto, Johannesburg. Photo courtesy Gauteng Tourism Authority
During the June 16, 1976 student uprisings, protesting students fled to Regina Mundi from Orlando Stadium to escape the police’s bullets and teargas canisters. The police followed the students into the church, firing live ammunition and damaging the marble altar and crucifix.
From 1995 to 1998, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu presided over Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings at Regina Mundi.
Today, the church continues to play a vital role in the community and welcomes visitors. Tourists from across the world visit the church each day. The church’s garden has been transformed into a striking park, and points of interest include memorial stones donated by Japanese Christians, an art gallery and a plaque recording the history of the church and of Soweto.Admission
Entrance is free but the church welcomes donations towards the maintenance of the church
Khumalo Street, off Elias Motsoaledi Road, Soweto