Mol in het japans = Mogura... Zowel een kruis als kleuren (die kanji) komen daarin voor...

The Mogura ninja are a ninja clan in the Usagi Yojimbo story world, composed of anthropomorphic moles. They are the least seen of the three ninja clans, having been seen less than ten times.
As moles, their particular talents are digging and lying in wait underground. They characteristically attack an enemy building by tunneling underneath and bypassing the outer defenses; they can also lie underground until an enemy passes overhead, and then spring an ambush. In combat, they use their long, sharp claws as weapons as well as digging tools. Although they are formidable fighters in their element, they have weaknesses that an opponent can exploit, such as vulnerability to by
bright light.Staat Kim misschien daarom voor het lichtje -> zie screenshot hierboven. Of heeft dat toch met verlichting - boeddhisme te maken? (of natuurlijk niets...)